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Rev. ADM ; 79(4): 193-197, jul.-ago. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1393292


Introducción: la prevención y control de infecciones (PCI) pretenden prevenir, detener y propagar enfermedades infecciosas en pacientes y trabajadores de la salud. Este enfoque debe comenzar con la formación y capacitación del profesional de la salud, inmunizaciones recomendadas y ejecución de medidas universales de protección. Objetivos: evaluar conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas en la prevención y control de infec- ciones de los estudiantes y pasantes de servicio social de la licenciatura en Estomatología de la UAM-X. Material y métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal y observacional mediante una encuesta anónima como instrumento para recolección de datos a una muestra de 108 alumnos y pasantes. Resultados: se encontró que al contestar el interrogatorio sobre «prevención y control de infecciones¼, 59.3% tuvo un nivel de conocimientos aceptable y 40.7% tuvo un nivel muy bueno. De los encuestados, 87% desinfecta y cambia las barreras de protección entre cada paciente, 9.3% al comenzar y finalizar el día; el restante 3.7%, cuando está visiblemente sucio o cuando hay derrame de sustancias de líquidos corporales. Conclusión: los encuestados tienen adecuados conocimientos y prácticas, lo que infiere que tienen el sustento teórico y habilidades para enfrentarse a la etapa postpandemia para la atención de pacientes (AU)

ntroduction: infection prevention and control (IPC) efforts to prevent, stopping and spreading infectious diseases in patients and healthcare workers. This approach should begin with education and training of the health professional, recommended immunizations and implementation of universal protective measures. Objectives: to evaluate knowledge, attitudes and practices in infection prevention and control stomatology career's students and social service interns UAM-X. Material and methods: a descriptive, cross-sectional and observational study was carried out using an anonymous survey as an instrument for data collection from a sample of 108 students and interns. Results: it was found that when answering the questionnaire on «infection prevention and control¼, 59.3% had an acceptable level of knowledge and 40.7% had a very good level. 87% of the respondents disinfect and change the protective barriers between each patient, 9.3% at the beginning and end of the day; the remaining 3.7% when visibly dirty or when there is spillage of body fluids. Conclusion: respondents have adequate knowledge and practices, inferring that they have the theoretical support and skills to face the post-pandemic stage of patient care (AU)

Communicable Disease Control , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Infection Control, Dental/methods , Protective Clothing , Schools, Dental , Students, Dental/psychology , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Internship and Residency , Mexico
Rev. ADM ; 79(3): 152-155, mayo-jun. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1378580


La llegada del COVID-19 generó diversos cambios significativos en el área de la salud y particularmente en el área odontológica, donde se priorizaron los tratamientos de urgencia relegando los procedimientos menores y atención de citas a la vía virtual. Otras modificaciones se concentraron en el uso de equipos de protección personal y logística de atención tanto para el paciente como para el profesional, siguiendo las indicaciones de las normas diseñadas para esta función; adicionalmente se hicieron adecuaciones en las áreas de recepción y práctica odontológica, y se capacitó a los profesionales en temas relativos a la enfermedad. El objetivo del presente artículo es analizar las implicaciones generadas en la práctica odontológica durante la pandemia por COVID-19 en los ámbitos de triaje, infraestructura, normativa y capacitación (AU)

The arrival of COVID-19 produced a series of significant changes in the health area and particularly in the dental area where emergency treatments were prioritized, relegating minor procedures and appointment care to the virtual route, other modifications focused on the use of personal protective equipment and care logistics for both the patient and the professional following the indications of the standards designed for this function, additionally adjustments were made in the reception and dental practice areas, and professionals were trained on issues related to the disease. The objective of this article is to analyze the implications generated in dental practice during the COVID-19 pandemic in the areas of triage, infrastructure, regulations and training (AU)

Humans , Triage , Infection Control, Dental/methods , Infrastructure , COVID-19 , Clinical Protocols , Dental Care/standards , Dental Offices , Videoconferencing , Health Human Resource Training , Interior Design and Furnishings
Rev. ADM ; 79(1): 32-37, ene.-feb. 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1361822


Para el adecuado ejercicio de la odontología, los procedimientos realizados deben ejecutarse apegándose en todo momento a las normas y principios éticos propios de la profesión. Cuando un odontólogo decide, por voluntad propia, ejercer la profesión sin apegarse a dichos principios, se considera que actúa con negligencia. La negligencia se caracteriza por ser un acto indebido, en el cual el profesional ejecuta por voluntad propia acciones injustificables capaces de producir daños en la salud de los pacientes o en el pronóstico de un tratamiento. Los actos negligentes, además de atentar contra la integridad del paciente, ponen en riesgo a los profesionales de la salud que los cometen de sufrir consecuencias legales derivadas de dichos actos. El objetivo del presente artículo consiste en definir el concepto de negligencia, describir las formas más comunes en las que ésta se comete durante la consulta odontológica así como sus posibles consecuencias legales, ilustrándolas a su vez con la breve presentación de algunos casos (AU)

For the proper practice of dentistry, the procedures performed must be carried out adhering at all times to the standards and ethical principles of the profession. When a dentist voluntarily decides to practice the profession without adhering to these principles, he is considered to be acting negligently. Negligence is characterized as an improper act, in which the professional voluntarily executes unjustifiable actions capable of causing damage to the health of patients or the prognosis of a treatment. Negligent acts, in addition to threatening the integrity of the patient, put health professionals at risk who commit legal consequences derived from these acts. The aim of this article is to define the concept of negligence, to describe the most common ways in which it is committed during the dental practice as well as its legal consequences, illustrating them in turn with a brief presentation of some cases (AU)

Humans , Liability, Legal , Malpractice , Dental Records , Infection Control, Dental , Dental Restoration, Permanent , Forensic Dentistry , Legislation, Dental
São Paulo; s.n; 2022. 97 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1418590


Introdução: A literatura científica médica traz evidências que suportam a hipótese de que a hiperglicemia e o diabetes mellitus (DM) aumentam o risco de infecção e atraso na cicatrização da ferida após procedimentos cirúrgicos de grande porte. Muitos autores extrapolaram esse conceito para cirurgia menores, como as extrações dentárias. Estudos prospectivos têm sugerido que a taxa de complicações após exodontias é semelhante em pessoas com e sem DM. Objetivo: Comparar a frequência e o tipo de complicações após exodontias em pacientes com DM1 e DM2. Além disso, observar se há relação entre complicações pós-operatórias infecciosas e inflamatórias e a prescrição de antibióticos. Material e Métodos: Do total de 718 prontuários de pacientes com DM atendidos entre um período de 27 anos, 311 foram incluídos na pesquisa, uma vez que esses pacientes foram submetidos a pelo menos uma exodontia. Foram coletados dados demográficos, história médica pregressa e atual, dados relativos à(s) exodontia(s) realizada(s), complicações transoperatórias e pós-operatórias e antibioticoterapia. Resultados: A maioria dos pacientes eram do sexo masculino (164/311; 52,7%), cor de pele branca (230/311; 73,9%) e com média de idade de 51 anos. Sessenta e oito (21,9%) pacientes tinham DM1 e 243 (78,1%) DM2. Duzentos e vinte e sete (73,0%) tinham comorbidades associadas ao DM, sendo as doenças cardiovasculares as mais prevalentes (208/311; 66,9%). Nos 311 prontuários, havia registro de 895 intervenções de exodontias, das quais 192 (21,5%) foram realizadas em pacientes com DM1 e 703 (78,5%) em pacientes com DM2, elas foram adiadas em 29 prontuários (29/895; 3,2%). Complicações transoperatórias estavam registradas em 08 prontuários (08/895; 0,9%), sendo a hemorragia transoperatória a complicação mais frequente, em 3 dos 8 registros. Das 895 intervenções, encontramos 25 registros de complicações após as exodontias. Pacientes com DM1 exibiram 11 (11/192; 5,7%) registros de complicações após as exodontias, sendo eles: registro de edema (1), trismo (1), abscesso (1), atrasos na epitelização (2), sequestro de espícula óssea (3), alergia a medicamento (1) e alveolite (2). Nos pacientes com DM2, computamos 14 (14/703; 2%) registros de complicações, sendo eles: registros de dor (7), parestesia (1), abcesso (1), sequestro de espícula óssea (3) e alveolite (2). Os pacientes com DM1 exibiram mais complicações após exodontias que os pacientes com DM2 (5,7% versus 2%; p=0,011). Houve prescrição antibiótica para 26% dos pacientes com DM1 (50/192) e para 15% dos pacientes com DM2 (105/703). Não foi observada associação entre complicações pós-operatórias inflamatórias e infecciosas e a prescrição de antibiótico profilático. Conclusão: A prevalência de complicações após exodontias foi baixa e semelhante entre os pacientes com DM1 e DM2. É possível afirmar que o DM não aumenta o risco de complicações infecciosas e inflamatórias após exodontias.

Tooth Extraction , Antibiotic Prophylaxis , Infection Control, Dental , Diabetes Mellitus , Hyperglycemia , Hypoglycemia
Rev. Fac. Odontol. (B.Aires) ; 37(86): 1-12, 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1412391


Una enfermedad infecciosa es aquella producida por un agente infeccioso (bacterias, hongos, virus, etc.) que ingresa y se desarrolla en el organismo de un hospedero. Posteriormente, puede trasmitirse de un individuo a otro directamente por contacto entre ambos, o bien, indirectamente, por medio de un vec-tor biológico (de naturaleza animal o vegetal), o de un fómite (objeto inanimado). Las vías por las que un agente infeccioso puede ingresar a un hospedero son: inhalación (respiración de aerosoles), ingestión (salpicaduras de gotas), penetración de mucosas (na-sal, ocular y bucal) o lesiones en la piel o mucosas. Las fuentes de infección pueden ser los pacientes, el personal del consultorio o laboratorio, las superficies e instrumental contaminados y las prótesis o com-ponentes de éstas. Para evitar la propagación de los agentes microbianos se debe interrumpir el proceso de transmisión de los mismos. Todo profesional debe fortalecer y readecuar normas y protocolos de biose-guridad en la tarea diaria, para minimizar el riesgo de transmisión directa y cruzada entre el profesional, su equipo auxiliar, el laboratorista y los pacientes (AU)

An infectious disease is one caused by an infectious agent (bacteria, fungi, virus, etc.) that enters and develops in a host. Then it can be transmitted from one individual to another directly by contact between the two or, indirectly through a biological vector (an animal or plant nature), or a fomite (an inanimate object). The routes by which an infectious agent can enter a host are: inhalation (breathing of aerosols), ingestion (splash of droplets), penetration of mucous membranes (nasal, ocular and oral) and skin or mucous lesions. Sources of infection can be patients, office or laboratory personnel, contaminated surfaces and instruments and the prosthesis or component thereof. To prevent the spread of microbial agents, the process of their transmission must be interrupted. Every professional must strengthen and readjust biosafety standards and protocols in daily work to minimize the risk of direct and cross-transmission between the professional, his auxiliary team, the laboratory technician and the patients (AU)

Infection Control, Dental/methods , Laboratories, Dental/standards , Protective Clothing , Sodium Hypochlorite/therapeutic use , Biomedical and Dental Materials/standards , Clinical Protocols , Decontamination/methods , Medical Waste Disposal , Disinfectants/therapeutic use , Ethanol/therapeutic use , Personal Protective Equipment
Rev. ADM ; 78(6): 339-345, nov.-dic. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1354635


En la práctica clínica, los odontólogos se encuentran expuestos al riesgo de infecciones, que se transmiten a través de instrumentos contaminados con exudados. Instrumentos en contacto con el personal deben estar esterilizados o sometidos a un proceso de desinfección. Se realizó un estudio transversal-prospectivo a 30 pacientes, de los que se tomaron tres muestras con espejos estériles, pasando por fondo de saco, carrillos y lengua, después las muestras se desinfectaron, se realizó el hisopado de cada espejo y se incubó en agar tripticaseína-soya (TSA) 24 horas a 37 oC. Pasadas 24 horas se realizaron diluciones en tubos Eppendorf, y se sembraron en cajas de Petri con agar sangre, se incubaron por 48 horas a 37 oC; se contabilizaron las unidades formadoras de colonias (UFC) y registraron para su análisis. Al obtener los resultados se encontró que ID 213 tuvo mayor reducción con una media = 62.5 en comparación con Zeta 1 Ultra, media = 89.23, y control, media = 164.50, de igual manera se observó una diferencia en reducción de UFC/mL entre ID 213 con respecto a Zeta 1 Ultra con significancia de 0.012. Ambos desinfectantes resultaron efectivos, pero se estableció que ID 213 utilizando la tina ultrasónica resulta más efectivo en la reducción de UFC, que Zeta 1 Ultra (AU)

In clinical practice, dentists are exposed to the risk of infections, which are transmitted through instruments contaminated with exudates. Instruments in contact with personnel must be sterilized or subjected to a disinfection process. A cross-sectional-prospective study was carried out in 30 patients. From which three samples were taken with sterile mirrors, passing through cul-de-sac, cheeks and tongue, later the samples were disinfected with disinfectants, each mirror was swabbed and incubated in TSA 24 hours at 37 oC. After 24 hours, dilutions were made in Eppendorf tubes, and they were seeded in Petri dishes with blood agar, they were incubated 48 hours at 37 oC; CFUs were accounted for and recorded for analysis. When obtaining the results, it was found that ID 213 had a greater reduction with mean = 62.5 compared to Zeta 1 Ultra mean = 89.23 and control mean = 164.50, in the same way a difference in reduction of CFU/mL was observed between ID 213 with respect to Zeta 1 Ultra with significance of 0.012. Both disinfectants were effective but it was established that ID 213 using the ultrasonic tub is more effective in reducing CFU, than Zeta 1 Ultra (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Ultrasonics , Infection Control, Dental , Disinfectants , Effectiveness , Colony Count, Microbial , Cross-Sectional Studies , Prospective Studies , Culture Media , Mexico , Military Dentistry
Rev. ADM ; 78(6): 350-355, nov.-dic. 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1355265


Introducción: Para un buen profesional de la odontología es necesaria la ética en todas las actividades que realice. La ética establece lo que es y debe ser, buscando siempre el bien y no hacer el mal o causar daño, y el odontólogo debe tener una serie de cualidades y aptitudes con el fin de llevar a cabo todo el tratamiento que amerite el paciente de manera correcta, honesta y responsable sin escatimar esfuerzos para devolverle su salud oral. La COVID-19 es una enfermedad que se ha convertido en pandemia y está afectando al mundo de manera importante. Entre los más afectados se encuentran los profesionales de la salud que arriesgan sus vidas por sanar al enfermo. Dada la situación actual, a los odontólogos se les presenta la duda si atender a sus pacientes en este periodo cumple o no con los principios éticos de la profesión. Objetivo: El objetivo del presente artículo fue realizar una revisión sistemática de la literatura con el fin de identificar el rol bioético del odontólogo ante la pandemia de COVID-19. Material y métodos: Para realizar la recolección de la literatura se compilaron artículos de diferentes bases de datos: PubMed, Cochrane, Nature y Lilacs producidos entre los años 2012 y 2020 con las palabras clave: ética, odontología, pandemia, COVID-19 y bioética en los idiomas español, inglés y portugués. Resultados: Se localizaron 70 artículos, de los cuales se escogieron finalmente 10 correspondientes a los criterios de búsqueda. Los artículos presentaron homogeneidad sobre el rol del odontólogo en la situación actual y coinciden en la búsqueda de alternativas y métodos de atención lo más seguras posibles, dando prioridad a quienes requieren atención de urgencias (AU)

Introduction: For a good dental professional, ethics is necessary in all the activities performed. Ethics stablish what is and what should be, always looking for the good and not the bad, the dentist should have a series of qualities and skills in order to perform every treatment that the patient needs in a correct, honest and responsible way without sparing efforts to give them back their oral health. COVID-19 is a disease that has converted into a pandemic affecting the world in an important manner. And, between the most affected are the health providers and professionals that risk their lives to heal the people suffering this disease. Given the current situation, dentists have been found in doubt regarding if treating their patients in this period meets or not the ethical principles of their profession. Objective: The objective of this article is to perform a systematic review of literature in order to identify the bioethics role of the dentist in face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Material and methods: To carry out the collection of literature the procedure included compiling different articles from the databases: PubMed, Cochrane, Nature, and Lilacs produced between the years of 2012 and 2020 with the key words: ethics, dentistry, pandemic, COVID-19, bioethics in the languages of Spanish, English and Portuguese. Results: 70 papers were located from which only 10 were chosen meeting the searching criteria. The papers presented homogenous results about the role of dentists in the current situation and the all agree in the search of alternatives and methods of care that are as secure as possible, giving priority to those who are in need of urgent care (AU)

Humans , Bioethics , Ethics, Dental , Dentist's Role , COVID-19 , Databases, Bibliographic , Comprehensive Dental Care/standards , Infection Control, Dental , Pandemics
Natal; s.n; 29 jun. 2021. 66 p. tab, ilus, graf.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1537214


Objetivo: avaliar clinicamente por meio de um ensaio clínico controlado, randomizado e triplo cego, 2 regimes farmacológicos de profilaxia antibiótica, em pacientes submetidos a instalação de implantes dentários de dois estágios, quanto a dor, infecção e perda de implantes. Materiais e métodos: Um total de 61 pacientes receberam 115 implantes dentários. A coleta dos dados foi realizada por um examinador calibrado e cego nos seguintes períodos de acompanhamento pós-operatório: T1 (7 dias), T2 (14 dias), T3 (30 dias) e T4 (120 dias). A randomização foi realizada por meio da função aleatório do Microsoft Excel® (2013), que dividiu os grupos de forma aleatória e os pacientes foram alocados de acordo com a lista gerada pelo programa. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram divididos em 3 grupos: grupo 1 (G1) formado por 21 pacientes que não utilizaram profilaxia antibiótica, o grupo 2 (G2) formado por 20 pacientes que fizeram uso da profilaxia antibiótica pré-operatória com amoxicilina 1 g por via oral 1 hora antes do procedimento e o grupo 3 (G3), com 20 pacientes que utilizaram profilaxia antibiótica pré-operatória com amoxicilina 1g via oral 1 hora antes do procedimento e manutenção do antibiótico, sendo 500 mg de amoxicilina por 05 dias a cada 08 horas. A variável dor foi analisada utilizando-se de uma escala visual analógica- EVA e do número de analgésicos ingeridos. A infecção foi considerada quando na presença de pus e fístula. Além disso, no tempo T4 foi realizado a reabertura do implante para avaliação do sucesso da osseointegração primária, considerando ausência de mobilidade e dor quando da troca do parafuso de cobertura pelos cicatrizadores. A dor (EVA e número de analgésicos) foi analisada por meio do teste Kruskall Wallis e o pós-teste (Post hoc de Dunn). A infecção foi analisada com o teste Exato de Fisher e a falha, descritivamente. O nível de significância foi estabelecido em 5%, com intervalo de confiança de 95%. Resultados: A análise da dor pós-operatória evidenciou melhores resultados nos grupos que utilizaram antibiótico (G2 e G3) no acompanhamento T1 (7 dias), com os pacientes sentindo menos dor (Teste de Kruskall Wallis- p < 0,05). A avaliação entre os grupos G2 e G3 também evidenciou diferenças (Post hoc de Dunn- p < 0,05) com superioridade para G3. Nos demais períodos não houve diferenças significativas. A infecção esteve presente nos grupos G1 (2 casos) e G3 (2 casos), porém não houve diferença estatística entre os grupos (Teste Exato de Fisher- p > 0,05) com evolução para perda (falha) de dois implantes, um no grupo G1 e outro no grupo G3. Conclusões: Os resultados preliminares de estudo evidenciaram melhores resultados quanto a dor, nos pacientes que utilizaram antibiótico profilático, mas não conseguiu demonstrar superioridade quanto a infecção e perda do implante quando comparado ao grupo sem uso de antibióticos. Dessa forma, baseado nos resultados do presente estudo, considerando um número máximo de 4 implantes por procedimento, em pacientes saudáveis, sem procedimentos adicionais, o uso de antibióticos embora tenha melhorado a dor no pós-operatório imediato, não demonstrou benefício em relação a diminuição dos índices de infecção e falha dos implantes (AU).

Objective: conduct a randomized, triple-blind, controlled test to clinically assess 2 pharmacological treatments of antibiotic prophylaxis, in patients submitted to a two-stage dental implant procedure, in terms of pain, infection and implant failure. Materials and methods: A total of 61 patients received 115 dental implants. Data collection was conducted by a blind calibrated examiner during the following postoperative follow-up periods: T1 (7 days), T2 (14 days), T3 (30 days) and T4 (120 days). Randomization was performed using the random function of Microsoft Excel® (2013), which randomly divided patients according to the list generated by the program. The study subjects were divided into 3 groups: group 1 (G1) consisting of 21 patients who did not use an antibiotic prophylaxis, group 2 (G2), with 20 patients who used preoperative antibiotic prophylaxis (1 g of amoxicillin) applied orally 1 hour before the procedure and group 3 (G3), with 20 patients who used preoperative antibiotic prophylaxis (1g of amoxicillin) applied 1 hour before the procedure, maintaining the antibiotic, consisting of 500 mg of amoxicillin, for 5 days every 8 hours. Variable pain was analyzed using a visual analog scale (VAS) and the number of analgesics taken. Infection was considered by the presence of pus and fistula. The implant was reopened at time T4 to evaluate the success of primary osseointegration, considering the absence of mobility and pain while replacing the cover screw with a healing screw. Pain (VAS and number of analgesics) was analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn's post hoc tests. Infection was analyzed with Fisher's Exact test and failure described. A 5% significance level was established, with a 95% confidence interval. Results: Analysis of postoperative pain showed better results in the groups that used antibiotics (G2 and G3) at follow-up T1 (7 days), with patients experiencing less pain (Kruskal Wallis, p < 0.05). Intergroup assessment also demonstrated differences (Dunn's post hoc, p < 0.05), being higher in G3, but there were no significant differences in the other periods. Infection was present in group 1 (2 cases) and G3 (2 cases), with no significant intergroup differences (Fisher's Exact test, p > 0.05), with a loss (failure) of two implants: one in G1 and the other in G3. Conclusions: The preliminary results of the study revealed better pain results in patients who used prophylactic antibiotics, but was not superior in relation to infection or implant failure when compared to the group that did not use antibiotics. Thus, based on the results of the present study, considering a maximum of 4 implants per procedure, in healthy patients with no additional procedures, although antibiotics improved pain in the immediate postoperative, they did not decrease infection indices or implant failure (AU).

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Surgery, Oral , Infection Control, Dental , Double-Blind Method , Statistics, Nonparametric , Visual Analog Scale
Rev. ADM ; 78(3): 128-134, mayo-jun. 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1254363


La enfermedad de COVID-19 es causada por el nuevo coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (síndrome respiratorio agudo severo), convertida hoy en día en una pandemia, emergencia sanitaria y crisis de salud pública. El propósito de este estudio fue evaluar el conocimiento, la percepción y actitudes frente a dicha pandemia de en los estudiantes y pasantes de odontología. Material y métodos: Investigación cuantitativa con diseño transversal, descriptivo y exploratorio. El tamaño de la muestra fue de 167 participantes a través de encuestas en línea, donde se describieron sus actitudes, conocimiento y percepción, por medio de un cuestionario de autorreporte el cual consistió de 24 ítems relacionados con la comprensión de la COVID-19. Resultados: La mayoría de los discípulos tiene un entendimiento moderado en relación con la normatividad, y su competencia, en su entorno con dicho trastorno viral, es adecuada. La mayoría (89.5%) respondieron tener actitudes adecuadas con el manejo del control de infecciones y prevenciones. En cuestión a la percepción, la mayoría (82.4%) sí tenía medidas de prevención a fin de evitar la transmisión y medicación adecuadas. Conclusión: Estos estudiantes están conscientes de la COVID-19 y sus medidas de prevención y precaución, requieren adquirir mayores saberes de normas sanitarias, así como llevar estrictos protocolos de control de infecciones para garantizar el ambiente seguro a los alumnos y pacientes que acuden a las clínicas odontológicas (AU)

The COVID-19 disease is caused by the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, which today has become a pandemic, health emergency, and public health crisis. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the knowledge, perception and attitudes towards such pandemic in dental students and interns. Material and methods: Quantitative research with a crosssectional, descriptive and exploratory design. The sample size was 167 participants through online surveys, where attitudes, knowledge and perception were described, through a self-report questionnaire which consisted of 24 items related to their knowledge of this malaise. Results: The majority of study participants have a moderate knowledge in relation to the normativity, and the knowledge of the disease in their environment is adequate. The majority (89.5%) responded having adequate attitudes with the management of infection control and prevention. Regarding perception, the majority (82.4%) did have adequate medication and preventive measures to avoid transmission. Conclusion: These students are aware of the COVID-19 sickness and its prevention and precaution measures and they require acquiring greater knowledge of health regulations as well as carrying out strict infection control protocols to guarantee a safe environment for students and patients who attend dental clinics (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Students, Dental/psychology , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Coronavirus Infections , Schools, Dental , Training Support , Communicable Disease Control , Public Health Dentistry , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Infection Control, Dental , Dental Offices/standards , SARS-CoV-2 , Mexico
Rev. ADM ; 78(3): 162-166, mayo-jun. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1254811


La enfermedad COVID-19 fue declarada pandemia por la Organización Mundial de la Salud el 11 de marzo de 2020. El síndrome respiratorio agudo severo coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) es un virus transmitido de animales a seres humanos, altamente contagioso, cuyo periodo de incubación es de uno a 14 días. Los momentos por los que atraviesan la mayoría de los países debido a la pandemia declarada del COVID-19 han llevado a la proclamación de órdenes gubernamentales y/o recomendaciones en relación a la atención dental que debe dispensarse. En el momento actual, no se dispone de protocolos específicos oficiales, ni nacionales ni internacionales, que aborden de manera clara cómo debe proceder el odontólogo en su práctica diaria en la etapa posterior al confinamiento para trabajar con las mejores garantías de protección para los pacientes y el equipo humano de la consulta odontológica. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar consideraciones para la atención de tratamientos endodóncicos en el contexto de la pandemia de COVID-19. Para lograr este objetivo se realizó una revisión bibliográfica en diferentes bases de datos, como: Google Scholar, Springer Link, Scopus, PubMed, para ello se emplearon estrategias de búsqueda, utilizando descriptores como: «endodontic¼, «recomendations¼, «odontology¼, «COVID-19¼, «pandemic¼ y operadores booleanos, con la finalidad de obtener información relevante y precisa. Contribuyendo a la práctica de la endodoncia con un protocolo general para el manejo de emergencias que muestre el fundamento del diagnóstico, los procedimientos clínicos y el uso de equipos de protección personal y barreras en el consultorio odontológico durante el brote de COVID-19 (AU)

The COVID-19 disease was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization on March 11, 2020. The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) is a virus transmitted from animals to humans, highly contagious, whose incubation period is one to 14 days. The times that most countries are going through due to the declared COVID-19 pandemic have led to the proclamation of government orders and/or recommendations regarding the dental care that should be provided. At the present time, there are no specific official national or international protocols that clearly address how the dentist should proceed, in their daily practice, in the post-confinement stage, to work with the best guarantees of protection for the patients and the human team of the dental practice. The objective of this study was to analyze considerations for the care of endodontic treatments in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. To achieve this objective, a bibliographic review was carried out in different databases, such as: Google Scholar, Springer Link, Scopus, PubMed, for this, search strategies were used, using descriptors such as: «endodontic¼, «recommendations¼, «odontology¼, «COVID-19¼, «pandemic¼ and Boolean operators, in order to obtain relevant and accurate information. Contributing to the practice of endodontics a general protocol for emergency management that shows the rationale for diagnosis, clinical procedures and the use of personal protective equipment and barriers in the dental office during the COVID-19 outbreak (AU)

Humans , Root Canal Therapy/standards , COVID-19 , Sterilization , Communicable Disease Control , Clinical Protocols , Disinfection , Databases, Bibliographic , Infection Control, Dental/methods , Dental Offices/standards
Rev. ADM ; 78(1): 13-21, ene.-feb- 2021. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1152240


Existe una creciente preocupación sobre el tema de la infección cruzada en clínicas y laboratorios dentales. El laboratorio odontológico debe seguir normas de bioseguridad que garanticen a todo el equipo de salud la prevención de estas infecciones. Los técnicos que allí laboran corren el riesgo de exponer su cara a salpicaduras, así como a rocíos de sangre y saliva. Este estudio fue diseñado para saber si los laboratorios a los que recurrimos cumplen con estas normas de bioseguridad, y qué tan confiados podemos estar de la desinfección por parte de ellos, ya que las prótesis deberían estar desinfectadas correctamente antes de colocarlas en boca (AU)

There is growing concern about the issue of cross infection in dental clinics and laboratories. The dental laboratory must follow biosafety standards that guarantee the prevention of these infections to the entire health team. The technicians who work there run the risk of exposing their face to splashes and spray of blood and saliva. This study was designed to find out if the laboratories we use comply with these biosafety standards, and how confident we can be of their disinfection by them, since the prostheses should be properly disinfected before placing them in the mouth (AU)

Disinfection , Gram-Positive Bacterial Infections , Gram-Negative Bacterial Infections , Dental Prosthesis/adverse effects , Infection Control, Dental/methods , Laboratories, Dental , Colony Count, Microbial , Cross-Sectional Studies , Analysis of Variance , Dental Offices/standards , Culture Techniques
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1155001


ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the dentists' knowledge about biosafety considering the SARS-CoV-2 and the risks of increasing the COVID-19 outbreak by dental practices during the pandemic in Brazil. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed by internet-based snowball sampling technique. A questionnaire with questions about different content was applied, and then analyzed the following two parameters: participants' Brazilian region and professional's specialty. Results: A total of 413 e-questionnaires from all Brazilian regions were considered valid. There were no significant differences among biosafety measures adopted by participants from different Brazilian regions (p≥0.05), except for those from North region, which have applied less previous oral antisepsis, temperature screening, and specific anamnesis tracking COVID-19 symptoms (p<0.05). The unique use of N95 mask was positively associated with North region (p<0.05). Expert participants of Groups 2 (oral surgery and correlate areas) and 4 (orthodontics, oral radiology and facial jaw orthopedics) were more updated than other ones (p<0.05). Conclusion: The biosafety protocols applied by participants were not adequate for the epidemiologic status of COVID-19 in each region of Brazil, from 13th May to 17th June 2020. Specialties linked to microbiology area or structured social networks have better applied preventive measures for COVID-19.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Containment of Biohazards , Infection Control, Dental , Dental Offices , Dentists , Personal Protective Equipment/microbiology , COVID-19 , Brazil/epidemiology , Chi-Square Distribution , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Surveys and Questionnaires , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Delivery of Health Care , N95 Respirators
Rev. Ateneo Argent. Odontol ; 64(1): 56-63, 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1252711


A partir de una propuesta del Comité de Investigaciones del Ateneo Argentino de Odontología se realizó una encuesta anónima transversal para conocer el estado de los odontólogos en relación con la infección provocada por la covid-19 ya que los afecta de una manera especial debido a las características del virus SARS-CoV-2 y su forma de trasmisión (AU)

From a proposal of the Research Committee of the Argentine Athenaeum of Dentistry, an anonymous cross-sectional survey was conducted to know the status of dentists in relation to the infection caused by covid-19 and that particularly affects dentists due to the characteristics of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and its form of transmission (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Coronavirus Infections/transmission , Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus , Dentists , Argentina , Schools, Dental/statistics & numerical data , Societies, Dental/standards , Communicable Disease Control/methods , Cross-Sectional Studies , Health Surveys , Coronavirus Infections/prevention & control , Infection Control, Dental/methods , Age and Sex Distribution , Betacoronavirus , American Dental Association/organization & administration , Occupational Dentistry
Epidemiol. serv. saúde ; 30(4): e2021321, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1350729


Objetivo: Avaliar as repercussões da pandemia de COVID-19 nos procedimentos realizados por um serviço público odontológico de urgência (SPOU). Métodos: Estudo transversal, utilizando-se dados do SPOU de Piracicaba, SP, Brasil, relativos a dois períodos, anterior (fevereiro e março de 2020) e durante a pandemia (março e abril de 2020). Diferenças no perfil de atendimentos, entre os períodos pré-COVID-19 e COVID-19 selecionados, de acordo com sexo, idade e procedimentos odontológicos, foram analisadas pelo teste qui-quadrado de Pearson. Também foi calculado o tamanho do efeito Cramer's V. Resultados: Houve redução de 51% no número de atendimentos, entre o período anterior (n=824) e o período da pandemia de COVID-19 observado (n=404). O percentual de exodontias reduziu-se, de 14,7 para 8,9%, enquanto o de selamento provisório de cavidades aumentou de 22,9 para 33,2%, entre ambos períodos. Conclusão: A pandemia de COVID-19 repercutiu na quantidade e no padrão de procedimentos realizados pelo serviço odontológico de urgência do município.

Objetivo: Evaluar el impacto de la pandemia COVID-19 en los procedimientos realizados por un servicio de odontología pública de emergencia (SOPE). Métodos: Estudio transversal, utilizando datos del SOPE de Piracicaba, SP, Brasil, para los períodos anteriores (febrero y marzo 2020) y durante la pandemia (marzo y abril 2020). Las diferencias en el perfil de atención entre los períodos Pre-COVID-19 y COVID-19, según sexo, edad y procedimientos dentales, se analizaron mediante la prueba Chi-cuadrado de Pearson. También se calculó el tamaño del efecto de Cramer V. Resultados: Hubo una reducción del 51% en el número de visitas entre el período anterior (n=824) y el período de la pandemia de COVID-19 (n=404). El porcentaje de extracciones se redujo del 14,7% al 8,9%, mientras que el porcentaje de sellado provisional de cavidades aumentó del 22,9% al 33,2%, entre estos períodos. Conclusión: La pandemia de COVID-19 afectó la cantidad y patrón de procedimientos realizados en el servicio de odontología de emergencia de la ciudad.

Objective: To evaluate the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic on procedures performed by a public urgent dental care service (PUDS). Methods: This was a cross-sectional study, using data from the PUDS in Piracicaba, SP, Brazil, prior to the pandemic (February-March 2020) and during the pandemic (March-April 2020). Differences in the care profile between the pre-COVID-19 period and the COVID-19 period, according to sex, age and dental procedures were analyzed using Pearson's Chi-square test. Effect size was also measured using Cramer's V. Results: There was a 51% reduction in the number of visits between the pre-COVID-19 period (n=824) and the COVID-19 period (n=404). The percentage of extractions reduced from 14.7% to 8.9%, while the percentage of temporary cavity fillings increased from 22.9% to 33.2%, between the two periods. Conclusion: The COVID-19 pandemic had repercussions on the amount and pattern of procedures performed at the city's urgent dental care service.

Humans , Dental Care/organization & administration , Dental Care/trends , Infection Control, Dental , Unified Health System , Brazil , Pandemics , COVID-19/epidemiology
Rev. ADM ; 77(6): 301-305, nov.-dic. 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1151065


A finales de 2019 se identificó el virus SARS-CoV-2 (por su significado en inglés Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2) como agente etiológico de la COVID-19 (por su significado en inglés coronavirus disease 2019) en la ciudad de Wuhan, China. Debido a su rápida propagación al resto del mundo durante el primer trimestre del año 2020, la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) la declaró pandemia mundial en marzo del mismo año. Por el potencial de contagio de COVID-19 se ha considerado que el entorno clínico en el que se desenvuelve la odontología puede ser de alto riesgo para el paciente, el odontólogo y sus asistentes si no se tienen las medidas de bioseguridad adecuadas. En un principio se vieron suspendidas las consultas regulares; sin embargo, al volver a la actividad laboral se han adaptado protocolos para el control de infecciones como reforzar el uso de barreras de protección y minimizar tratamientos que involucren aerosoles. La caries es uno de los principales motivos de consulta en la odontología pediátrica, por lo que en este escrito se sugieren algunos protocolos basados en la mínima invasión que prescinden de instrumental rotatorio para salvaguardar al paciente en riesgo de contagio, reduciendo el número de visitas y tiempo en consulta e incluso controlando algunos aspectos de salud bucal fuera de consulta clínica por medio de estrategias preventivas que pueden llevarse a cabo desde casa. Esto significa también mantener la tranquilidad por parte de los tutores del paciente ante la pandemia que se vive actualmente (AU)

At the end of 2019, the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) was identified as the etiological agent of COVID-19 in the city of Wuhan China. Due to its rapid spread to the rest of the world during the first trimester of 2020, the WHO declared a global pandemic in March of the same year. Due to the contagion potential of COVID-19, it has been considered that the clinical environment in which dentistry operates may be in high risk for the patient if the appropriate biosafety measures are not taken, initially clinical practices were suspended. However, when returning to work, protocols have been adapted to the infection control procedures, reinforced the use of protective barriers, and minimize treatments that involve aerosols. Caries is one of the main reasons for consultation in Pediatric Dentistry, this article suggests some protocols based on minimal invasion that dispense with rotating instruments to safeguard the patient from the risk of contagion, reducing the number of visits and time in consultation and even controlling some aspects of the oral health outside the dental visit through preventive strategies that can be carried out from home. Modifications to Dental Home. This should include maintaining tranquility and calm on the part of the patient's tutors in the face of the pandemic that we are currently experiencing (AU)

Humans , Child, Preschool , Child , Coronavirus Infections , Dental Care for Children/methods , Aerosols , Pit and Fissure Sealants , Tooth Remineralization , Clinical Protocols , Fluorides, Topical/therapeutic use , Risk Factors , Composite Resins , Infection Control, Dental/methods , Dental Caries/therapy , Dental Plaque/prevention & control , Dental Atraumatic Restorative Treatment
Rev. Asoc. Odontol. Argent ; 108(2): 88-94, mayo-ago. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1121648


La pandemia de enfermedad por coronavirus de 2019 (Covid-19) se ha convertido en un importante desafío de salud pública para todos los países. Las medidas de control de infecciones son necesarias para disminuir la circulación del virus y evitar que se siga propagando mundialmente. Debido a las características de los entornos odontológicos, el riesgo de infección cruzada entre los pacientes y los odontólogos es alto. Es por esto que se requieren protocolos de control de infecciones estrictos y efectivos. Elaborar estrategias de gestión del riesgo en salud en odontología permitirá brindar un entorno de seguridad para el paciente, el profesional y su equipo (AU)

The Covid-19 pandemic has become a major public health challenge all over the world. Infection control measures are necessary to prevent the virus from spreading further and to help to control the situation worldwide. Due to the characteristics of the dental environment, the risk of cross infection is high between patients and dentists. It is important to develop strict infection control protocols to provide a safety environment for the patient and the dental staff (AU)

Humans , Coronavirus Infections/prevention & control , Infection Control, Dental/methods , Dental Staff , Pandemics , Patient Safety , Risk Management , Communicable Disease Control/methods , Clinical Protocols , Dental Offices/standards
Rev. Ateneo Argent. Odontol ; 62(1): 58-61, jun. 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1148340


Los primeros casos del nuevo coronavirus fueron descriptos en Wuhan, China, desde diciembre de 2019, con una rápida propagación a nivel mundial. En la actualidad, no existe una vacuna para prevenir la enfermedad ni un tratamiento específico aprobado para tratarla, por lo que los esfuerzos mundiales se centran en disminuir la propagación y el impacto de este virus. La odontología es considerada una de las profesiones con mayor riesgo de exposición a esta enfermedad, teniendo en cuenta que el virus se propaga, fundamentalmente, por vía aérea y por el contacto directo con las secreciones infectadas. En el presente artículo se destacan las características epidemiológicas y clínicas de esta enfermedad, así como las medidas de prevención que se deben adoptar, para proteger, tanto al personal sanitario, como a los pacientes (AU)

The first cases of the new coronavirus were described in Wuhan, China, since December 2019, with a rapid spread worldwide. Currently, there is no vaccine to prevent the disease or a specific approved treatment to treat it, so global efforts are focused on reducing the spread and impact of this virus. Dentistry is considered one of the professions with the highest risk of exposure to this disease, taking into account that the virus is mainly spread by means of direct contact with infected secretions. This article details the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of this disease, as well as preventive measures to be adopted, to protect both health care workers and patients (AU)

Humans , Dental Care/standards , Coronavirus Infections/transmission , Coronavirus Infections/epidemiology , Infection Control, Dental , World Health Organization , Vaccines , Communicable Disease Control/methods